In the second quarter of XLV Super Bowl on Sunday Motorola unveiled a commercial for Xoom Tablet which takes direct dig at now-part-of-folklore 1984 Apple ad. Apple thanks to its iPad dominates the tablet market.
Motorola ad shows a smartly clad man is surrounded by hundreds of people wearing baggy white sweat suits reminiscent of Apple store carry-out shopping bags and signature white iPod earbuds. They look like machine, except off course the Motorola man in gray cardigan and black jeans. He is playing with a new Motorola Xoom tablet. Not only he is different from the crowd, he stands out (in the ad) because of his individuality. The commercial ends with the smarty guy giving his tablet to a beautiful lady. It’s like Motorola trying to woo consumers back from the big brother, Apple, which currently holds more than 70% tablet market share.
Read More »Motorola Xoom Android Tablet Super Bowl Commercial/Ad bashing up iconic 1984 Apple advertisement