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Hospitality, hotel, tourism slogans, punchlines (Part 2)

Hospitality, hotel, tourism slogans, punchlines: Part 1

Australia Tourism
Slogan: So, where the bloody hell are you?

hospitality hotel tourismadvertising slogans punchlines marketing

Polish Chamber of Tourism: UK
Slogan: Make histoty – Visit Poland

tourism advertising slogan punchline tagline

Tourism Vicotria
Slogan: Lose Yourself

South African Tourism
Slogan: It’s closer than you think

tourism ad slogan punchlines

Tourism Queensland
Slogan: Best job in the world

ad slogans punchlines tourism hotel hospitality

Windsor Suites Hotel, Bangkok
Slogan: Twice the comfort, twice the value, twice the Hotel.

Hans Brinker Budget Hotel
Slogan: Eco-towel

Hans Brinker Budget Hotel Eco-towel punchline adslogan

Grand Hotel Bonavia , Croatia
Advertising slogan: Five-star quality in a hotel of four stars.

Whitelaw Hotel , Miami Beach
Slogan: Whitelaw Hotel. Clean Sheets, Hot Water, Stiff Drinks.

Lady’s First design hotel for businesswomen, Zurich
Ad slogan: Lady’s First. Where lady’s at her best.

Hotel Euler , Bazel
Slogan: Euler. It’s not a hotel, it’s a way of life.

Holiday Inn Hotels
Slogans: Relax, it’s Holiday Inn.
We put a smile back on your face.
Pleasing people the world over.
The best surprise is no surprise.
Holiday Inn. The World’s Inn Keeper.

Your Host from Coast to Coast.
The Nation’s Innkeeper.

Drawbridge Inn Hotel, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
Slogan: Drawbridge Inn. Live like a King.

Hotel Ametyst, Praha
Slogans: Stay with us, and feel like home…
Ametyst. I feel comfortable here.

Gleneagles, luxury hotel in Perthshire, Scotland
Marketing slogan: Gleneagles. Come back Richer.

Orlyonok, hotel complex, Moscow, Russia
Motto: The art of meeting your highest expectations.